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Orientation for Newcomers

The purpose of this orientation is to give you an idea as to how or where to get started in regards to the curriculum of the I AM University and how to make best use of our website.

For newcomers who are beginners on the Spiritual path and new to the Ascended Master Teachings, we recommend you have a look at our “Beginners Corner”. This section will give a good beginning introduction to the work.

Then we would recommend most definitely officially enrolling in the inner and outer plane I AM University. This allows you to join the eight inner plane Spiritual Training Programs as well as all the classes, workshops, seminars, internships and so forth on the inner plane. It further gives permission to Spirit and the Ascended Masters who work through the inner plane I AM University to work with you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. You will be studying in your Soul body 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year on the inner plane while simultaneously studying, learning and applying correlating teachings using the outer I AM University Ascended Master Teachings.

Enrollment is about making a commitment and signing up for a study and practice curriculum, just as you would sign up for classes at an Earthly university, so the teachers (the Ascended Masters, Angels, Elohim and Christed Extraterrestrials) know who is on the team and in the class, so to speak. Enrollment is not about money and should you need a scholarship; just ask. We will never turn anyone sincere away for lack of funds. Serving our Spiritual brothers and sisters is our priority above financial gain.

Those who officially enroll into the I AM University will receive a comprehensive enrollment package.

We further suggest that those of you who are new to the work of the I AM University read the “I AM University Crash Course” which gives a good overview and kind of summarizes the content of Dr Stone’s Easy to Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path!

Then you will be ready to begin the “real” I AM University curriculum. A good way to get started is the Official I AM University Workbook which provides a comprehensive overview in quintessential and essence form of some of the basic teachings of the I AM University.

The I AM University further recommends working with the audio Ascension Activation Meditations every day or every other day, six days a week, doing one meditation a day. These Ascension Activation Meditations will purify and Spiritually electrify your body energy fields and Chakras in a most Spiritually exhilarating fashion. The reading and studying will revolutionize your consciousness and Spiritual psychology. Both of these things – studying the written materials and working with the Ascension Activation Meditations - will prepare you and train you for your future service work and puzzle piece in the Divine Plan you are meant to fulfil. These Ascension Activation Meditations contain hundreds of Spiritual activations which make them totally unique in this world. There are no Ascension Activation Meditations that are more powerful and effective than these. Most of these were done at Wesak Celebrations in Mt Shasta under the Wesak Full Moon and the mountain of Mt Shasta with 1,000 to 2,000 people in attendance and over one million Celestial Beings overlighting the event! There is no right or wrong in terms of in which order you choose to work with these meditations. However, a good way to get started for newcomers would be to work with one of the following meditations: #1, #4, #6, #7, #10 and #24 through #29. Also, working with the Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Clearing Meditation (#2) on a regular basis (for example, once a week or twice a month) is a wonderful way to maintain the clarity and purity of your energy fields. If you can just afford to work with one or two meditations, it would be wise to work with the clearing meditation (#2) and one of the Ascension Activation Meditations of your choice. The audio program of the I AM University provides the experiential aspect of the curriculum.

While the Ascension Activation Meditation CD’s contain hundreds of ascension activations which serve as an invocation to the most sublime level of Cosmic current and frequency available on Planet Earth to immaculately purify, cleanse, attune, and refine your energy fields and Spiritually electrify your multi-body system, Lightbody system, Chakra system and totality of energy and frequency fields, the Official I AM University Subconscious Mind Makeover Audio Program serves to complement the Ascension Activation Meditations on the level of and with focus on consciousness development. A new revised version of this CD series, which we are currently working on and which we plan to release gradually over 2009, includes expanded affirmations, subliminal affirmations, simple visualizations, advanced Supersense activation visualizations, advanced hypnoses, invocations and Huna prayers, to help you become the Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Ascended Master it is your destiny to be!

Then, we would recommend studying correspondence course number seven and/or eight to start and the remaining correspondence courses after that. However, if you feel intuitively guided to read a specific correspondence course and/or training manual first; trust your intuition. There is no right or wrong and no two people are alike. However, we would recommend starting out with correspondence course number seven and eight as they are more psychologically focused. We are currently also working on making all the I AM University’s correspondence courses available in audio format for those of you who are more audible than visual, and who prefer to listen to the writings of the I AM University rather than reading thousands of pages.

Our correspondence courses are also available in mindmap format. While some people prefer a more left-brain approach to reading and learning, others prefer a more right-brain approach. Since the I AM University is all about integration and balance, and since we are living in a fast-pace society, it was deemed only appropriate to find ways to speak to our more right-brain-attuned audience, and to generally offer the more left-brain reader and student a more right-brain complement – in order to create a proper brain-balance. It shall also serve as an incentive to reach a larger global audience.

The I AM University’s Primers provide an introduction to various interesting topics of occult thought and philosophy. They form part of a series which mainly builds upon the work of Madame Blavatsky and Alice Bailey. These Primers aim to combine and merge some of the insights on various subject matters given out in the 19th and 20th century, and add the lens and perspective of the 21st century. More technical in nature, they present an evolution of Alice Bailey’s and Madame Blavatsky’s work and constitute the university’s most topical releases.

Next, we would recommend getting a channeled reading. A good way to get started is getting a “Channeled Initiation, Light Quotient, Integrated Consciousness Quotient and Ray Reading”, all in one session and an “Implant and Negative Elemental Removal Session and Ascension Clearing” all in one session. You can, of course, also choose a channeled session of your choice. However, these two sessions we would recommend most highly starting out with. It is of incredible value to know one’s Ray configuration and what strengths and/or weaknesses we are born with, as well as to have one’s energy field cleared and cleansed to get off to a good start.

For the more evolved students, Initiates and Masters, the I AM University offers a vast array of advanced channeled sessions to support your integrated ascension process and facilitate communication with and guidance from Spirit and the Masters, if you so choose. These are a wonderful adjunct to the curriculum of the I AM University which we highly recommend for those who are really sincere about their Spiritual path.

For those of you who would like to work with an Official I AM University Tutor and/or Mentor, rather than on your own, we are currently working on setting up a tutoring system, which we plan to start up later in 2009 and evolve over the years.

Furthermore, please take advantage of our free Prayer Altar program. Every prayer that is submitted will be placed on the physical / Earthly / outer plane as well as inner plane interdimensional Prayer Altar of the I AM University to help you positively realize all your prayer requests. We plan to greatly add to our Prayer Altar program in the coming years to make it as integrated and Full Spectrum Prism as possible.

We further suggest for beginners, intermediate and advanced students alike that you gradually work yourself through the “Projects & Learning” section of the I AM University. We have taken hundreds of chapters and lessons from the I AM University curriculum and have placed it on our website as part of our contribution to help evolve and raise the consciousness of humanity. Spirit and the Masters have asked us to use the I AM U cyberspace to officially anchor their Ashrams and Lodges as part of the purpose of the I AM University, which we have done in the “Projects & Learning” section. We have also set up Corners, Temples, Halls of Wisdom, Graphics and Wisdom Teachings and so forth.

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