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How to Raise your Inner Child into Adolescence, Young Aduldhood, and Finally into Christed Mastership!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

My Beloved Friends, in recent years there has been talk about giving birth to the Christ Child, or Buddha Child, or I Am Child within, however, there is very little talk about the fact that it is not enough to just give birth to the Christ Child, one must also raise and mature the Christ Child into adulthood and Christ maturity and mastership! We each are impregnated by the Holy Spirit to give birth to the Christ Child within from the Seed of Christ that lives eternally within us, so we are all born of the mystical immaculate conception. However, this Christ Child is unrealized! It needs to be raised into adolescence, young adulthood, adulthood, then into Christed Mastership, and finally into Planetary Christ, Planetary Mighty I Am Presence, or Integrated Ascended Master realization at the 22nd level of initiation. This is the process of growing each of us must go through from Adam to the Christ. The beginning of Christ realization begins at the 12th initiation. The Oversoul, Mighty I Am Presence and each solar, galactic, universal, multi-universal and cosmic level are aspects of Christ realization. So one could say there are 352 levels of Christ realization! Once we do this for ourselves we need to help our 144 souls from our Mighty I Am Presence do this as well. So Cosmic Christ realization is a long journey. Even Planetary Christ realization is a long road to hoe, but it can be accomplished! In total humbleness and humility I have achieved and realized this and I, along with Spirit and the Masters have shared with you everything I have done and did to achieve this. To achieve your 22 levels of initiation is no easy task. It is for those who are very serious about becoming the Christ, becoming the Mighty I Am Presence on Earth and becoming an Integrated Ascended Master on Earth.

The inner and outer earthly plane I AM University is the premiere teaching center on the planet to teach souls how to realize this in the easiest, most balanced and integrated, most comprehensive, most cutting edge, most full spectrum prism, most synthesized, and quickest possible way! This is why Spirit and the Masters have chosen it as their main service vehicle on the planet. It is this service vehicle that they have chosen to incarnate into as a Group Avatar incarnation to begin the Aquarian 2000 year cycle. This time instead of one Avatar or Master coming, a whole Collective Core Group are incarnating for the first time in the history of the Earth! The I Am University is the Avatar Spiritual Center for the Aquarian Age. This is not my doing, it is the inner plane Ascended Masters’ doing, and I am just going along with the program, going along with the Divine Plan as Spirit and the Masters have designed it. This is as much of a surprise for me as I am sure it is for you! However, I am sure they know what they are doing! Since I have humbly achieved my humble 23/24 levels of initiation, I have agreed to be their humble servant and messenger to bring in the Seventh Golden Age, the I Am Age, the Integrated Ascended Master Age, the New Jerusalem and Christed Age on Earth. Now to continue this discussion of the first stage of Christ realization. It must be understood that most people on Earth are child Christs. They act like children! That is why this planet is basically a quarantined planet. It is cut off from the solar, galactic and Universal Federation except on an inner plane spiritual government level. People are child Christs spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, in their relationships and on an earthly level. They are child Christs in their initiation levels, light body levels, chakra anchoring and activation levels. They are child Christs in their understanding of the totality of the spiritual path. They are complete and total children in terms of understanding the difference between Spiritual / Christ / Buddha / Krishna / Moses / Mohammed / Mighty I AM Presence / God / Goddess thinking and negative ego / fear based / separative / dualistic / illusionary / selfish / lower self thinking. The souls of this Earth are not Masterminds. Most are controlled by their emotional bodies, inner child, subconscious mind. They do not have laser sharp minds. They do not put the Creator first, they put creation first. Most are not right with self and hence not right with God. Most operate out of some form of victim consciousness. Many are developed in their spiritual bodies, but are absolutely Christ children on a consciousness development and refinement level. Many are children around dealing with money and the laws of manifestation! Many are children in their relationship to the Earth and being able to manifest their spiritual mission on Earth. Many are children in the use, or really lack of, owning and claiming their personal power, self mastery, self discipline, detachment, spiritual discernment, decisiveness and spiritual vigilance! Most are not balanced in their three minds, four bodies, God/Goddess, yin and yang, occult and mystic balance. Most do not understand spiritual psychology as it is understood by God, Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Masters. People are filled with improper belief systems. Their channelings are corrupted because of an undeveloped consciousness, faulty spiritual psychology, and limited lens seeing instead of full spectrum prism consciousness seeing. A great many are run by their desire body, five senses, bad habits, addictions, over indulgency, appetites and gluttony. A great many are lacking in self love, they do not protect themselves, are filled with attachments and negative feelings and emotions of all sorts. They do not know how to master and control their minds or quiet their minds. They give into temptation. They do not know how to keep their mind steady in the light. They do not keep their attention on the Mighty I Am Presence and God! They channel from very low level grids and think they are talking directly with the Ascended Masters, yet do not realize that all channeling is filtered through the subconscious mind of the person doing the channeling! Lightworkers naively think that if it is channeled it is real! An enormous number of spiritual leaders in the new age movement and religion have fallen and their followers are even more blind and take on their fragmentation and disintegration. People do not see what is there, they see what they want to see, or see what they have been programmed to see. Fifty percent of all marriages end in divorce. This is because one cannot be right with another unless one is right with self and God first. People have been fragmented in the Sixth Ray influence and their idealism has turned fanatical and imbalanced. We try to shoot down extraterrestrials when we see them. The government denies their existence!

We live in a world of children and adolescent Christs. Lightworkers claim to be self and God realized, which is comical since there are 352 levels of initiation to realize God, Christ and the Holy Spirit, and to achieve Planetary Christ realization one must achieve the 22nd level of initiation. Those claiming these things are not beyond the fifth, sixth, or seventh at most! Yet their followers believe such things. We live in a world where politics is avoided by spiritual people for the most part. Politics is of an egotistical partisan nature and is the politics of personal attack and destruction. The new age movement is filled with false prophets, false teachers, disintegrated and fragmented teachers and channels, cult leaders, twilight masters and wolves in sheep’s clothing. People do not ground their spirituality. They are interested in ascension but not in revamping civilization. They are interested in the spiritual or heavenly level but not in the psychological or earthly level. Our music is filled with negative ego personality level lyrics. Our television is filled with violence and a preoccupation with sex and appearances. The same is true with our movies and media. People are stuck in mass consciousness. Everyone thinks the path they have found is the highest on the planet. People are not learning their lessons and are not integrated and balanced. They do not realize God on a spiritual, consciousness and earthly level or in all four faces! People develop themselves in one ray or three rays but are not developed in all the rays, all the chakras, all the signs of the zodiac, all the Sephiroth on the Tree of Life, all the numbers, all the major arcana cards of the tarot deck!

In this world if a person has a fancy spiritual name, they are considered a Master. In this world if a person can channel or is clairvoyant or has scientific knowledge, or has written a book or gives lectures they are considered to be a master. People do not even notice that these souls are not close to being developed in their consciousness or spiritual psychology, are run by the negative ego, are filled with negative emotions, run by their inner child, subconscious mind, ego defended, cannot admit mistakes, are caught in the superiority/inferiority complex, desire body, have wrong motivations, personal agendas, power issues, fame issues, greed, sex issues, vanity, anger issues, false pride, self aggrandizement and on and on!

My Beloved Friends, I do not mean to be critical. I am just stating a loving observation and spiritual discernment of fact! We live in a world filled with children Christs and adolescent Christs! There are only 500 souls who have made it to the twelfth initiation, out of six billion! There are only 50 who have made it to the 14th or 15th! Only one who has passed the 22nd! This is because most have focused on the spiritual level but have not focused on the consciousness and psychological level and this is why the new age movement is a vast wasteland of fallen spiritual leaders and lightworkers. Most have money issues and some form of poverty consciousness. Most have a hard time grounding their spiritual mission on earth.