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Glamour, Maya, Illusion!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

In the previous chapter I have spoken extensively of the difference between egotistical thinking and spiritual or soul thinking. In Djwhal Khul’s classic book, "Glamour, A World Problem", He has divided the levels of delusion into three categories. There is the delusion on the astral or emotional plane, the mental plane, and the etheric plane. Each of these planes has its unique form of delusion specific to its level, and each of these delusions has its unique remedy.

The form of delusion on the astral or emotional plane is called glamour. The form of delusion on the mental plane is called illusion. The form of delusion on the etheric plane is called maya.

The remedy for glamour on the astral plane is what Djwhal Khul termed illumination. The remedy for the mental plane illusion is what Djwhal called intuition. The remedy for the etheric plane maya is what is termed inspiration.

"The dweller on the threshold" is the term Djwhal has used to describe the sum total of all the personality delusion on all three levels which has remained unconquered and unsubdued before initiation can take place. The dweller on the threshold is all that man is apart from his higher spiritual self. It is the sum total of the forces of the lower nature prior to illumination, intuition, inspiration and initiation.

"The angel of the presence" is the term Djwhal has used to describe our spiritual self. The angel of the presence and the dweller on the threshold stand face to face in conflict. As the dweller on the threshold becomes subjugated and mastered it eventually fades out in the blaze of glory which emanates from the angel of the presence.

The following chart summarizes the above mentioned principles.

Physical Brain ConsciousnessDweller on the ThresholdAngel of the Presence

The Problem of Delusion in Relationship to the Root Races

The second step in the understanding of this process is to take these same principles and apply them to the past root races on this planet. The Lemurian root race’s main lesson was attunement to the physical. The problem they were dealing with hence was maya. The etheric energies are intimately connected to the physical plane. The etheric body is the energy body of the physical body.

The Atlantean root race’s main lesson was attunement to the astral and emotional level. This being the case their main problem hence was that of glamour. The Aryan race, which we are now in, is attuned to the mental, hence their main problem was that of illusion.

The yoga of the Lemurian race was Hatha Yoga, and they were dealing with the first initiation. The yoga of the Atlantean race is Bhakti Yogi and they were dealing with the second initiation. The yoga of the Aryan race is Raja yoga, and they are dealing with the third initiation.

The following chart summarizes the above mentioned information.

LemurianMayaHatha Yoga, Aspirants, Laya Yoga, DisciplesFirst Initiation, Inspiration
AtlanteanGlamourBhakti Yoga, Aspirants, Raja Yoga, DisciplesSecond Initiation, Illumination
AryanIllusionRaja Yoga, Aspirants, Agni or Ashtanga Yoga for DisciplesThird Initiation, Intuition
Future MeruvianNonAshtanga or Agni YogaFourth Initiation, Liberation from the Wheel of Rebirth
Future ParadisianNoneUnknownFifth Initiation


Glamour is astral in character and more potent than illusion because over fifty percent of the population are still run by their emotional body. Glamour veils the truth behind the fogs and mists of feeling and emotional reactivity and victim consciousness. Glamour is one of the main ways the "Dark Brotherhood" attempts to get well meaning aspirants off the path.

When you find yourself reacting with criticism, separativeness, and pride, it is a sign that glamour has a hold over you. When an aspirant can free him or herself from these characteristics, they are well on the way to dissipating and relinquishing glamour. The best method for dissipating glamour is to act as a pure channel for the energy of the soul. This has to do with keeping a spiritual attitude of life as opposed to an egotistical one.

A person who is caught up in glamour needs to learn how to become more polarized or identified with their mental body. When a person is over identified with their emotional body, they end up being on an emotional roller coaster. Djwhal has termed this the glamour of the pairs of opposites.

As one develops to become more mentally polarized, they develop the path of the middle way, and/or even-mindedness and equanimity. As the disciple learns to develop right alignment to their soul, this results in increased light, that irradiates the mind and brain consciousness. This greatly helps in the development of spiritual perception as opposed to the ego’s perception of reality.

Glamour prevents a person from seeing life truly or clearly and the conditions surrounding themselves as they truly are. The emotional type can be swayed by appearances, and forgets what the appearance veils. In Lemurian times glamour and illusion were relatively unknown because the root race had only developed to the point of physical attunement. Mankind was more instinctual.

Glamour began to develop in the Atlantean times. It is interesting to point out that the other kingdoms of nature are relatively free of glamour and illusion.

On a world level, Buddha and His 900 arhats (fourth degree initiates) struck the first blow to dissipating world glamour, when He created His four noble truths. Christ struck the second blow with His teachings of individual responsibility and brotherhood. The third blow is now being struck by the New Group of World Servers acting under the direction of the Christ and His disciples.

Each human being has to deal not only with their own personal glamour, but also with family glamour, national glamour, and glamour of the human race as a whole. The family glamour deals with the "desire life" of family both in the past and presently. The national glamour is the sum total of desire life of the nation. The glamours of the human race are the sum total of all glamours of the human race combined in the consciousness or race mind.

The disciple who wants to dissipate glamour must do two things. 1. They must stand in their spiritual being. 2. They must keep their minds steady in the light. This means to keep your consciousness and mind always on God, your soul or Higher Self, and on a spiritual attitude. No matter what happens, be vigilant for God and His kingdom.

The glamours which hold humanity are:

  • The glamour of materiality - This has to do with an over identification with materialism. The gluttonous desire for possessions and/or money.
  • The glamour of sentiment - Pseudo love based on attachment and addiction to loving, or being loved.
  • The glamour of the pairs of opposites - Disciple swings back and forth between opposites without even-mindedness. The ideal is to remain even minded whether you have profit or loss, pleasure or pain, sickness or health, victory or defeat, praise or criticism. This glamour has a lot to do with letting go of attachments, also. If you are not attached to things or people you do not suffer or experience pain.
  • Glamour of devotion - Where people fanatically follow a cause in an extremist fashion.
  • Glamours of the path - The glamours of the spiritual path itself. An example of this potentially might be working with the Ascended Masters from the negative ego’s perspective.

It is essential to understand that the remedy for dissipating glamour is illumination. If you try to dispel glamour with intuition or inspiration it does not work. It is the illumined mind or Christ thinking that will get rid of glamour. The astral glamour needs the use of the illumined mind, just as the illusions of the mental plane need the next level above it which is the intuition. The astral glamour need hard straight correct thinking, in the service of the soul’s guidance. This is achieved through right analysis, discrimination, and right thought.


Illusion is a soul activity, and is the result of the mind aspect of all incarnated personalities in manifestation. When a person lets their ego interpret their reality rather than the soul or spiritual attitude system, they are lost in illusion. In the context of the four body system, those people who are more intellectual rather than emotional in nature are more prone to illusion than glamour.