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Correspondence Course #4: Intro

Dr Joshua David Stone & Maria Cecilia A. Gutierrez

The Kuan Yin Ascension Quantum Leap for the New Millennium Correspondence Course!

Beloved Kuan Yin has written a revolutionary, cutting edge, and extraordinary Correspondence Course on three different fronts! Firstly in Part One of this Correspondence Course Kuan Yin has for the first time in the history of the Earth written an intensive training in how Buddhist Teachings perfectly fit into the New Age Integrated Ascension Teachings of our time! This has never been done before, and Kuan Yin has done this in a most eloquent and poetic style which touches the very heart of the soul!

Secondly, Kuan Yin has written one of the most extraordinary trainings every put together in showing people and lightworkers how to achieve perfect health from the perspective of the 90% of Spiritual and psychological information that almost all books on this planet of this topic do not include! This is must reading for all people and lightworkers who wish to achieve the highest level of perfect health which is only possible through understanding the 90% that is missing from almost all books and trainings on this planet on the subject of health! If you wish to have the highest level of Spiritual, psychological, and physical vitality and invulnerability to sickness or imbalance of any kind, this Correspondence Course is for you! This might be described as a full spectrum prism consciousness understanding of health and vitality in a way and form that has never been given forth to the world before!

Thirdly, if this all were not enough, Kuan Yin has brought forth a revolutionary, completely cutting edge, new understanding of "abundance" and how to achieve it. Not only does she tell how to achieve abundance in the sense of monetary and material abundance, but for the first time ever, through my channel and Lady Ching’s, Kuan Yin brings forth an integrated full spectrum prism consciousness understanding of abundance which describes how to achieve abundance Spiritually, mentally, emotionally, energetically, etherically, and in life on all levels! Kuan Yin brings forth a revolutionary new understanding of the term abundance and what it really means from Spirit and the Ascended Masters’ perspective!

Then in part three of this Correspondence Course all these subjects are gone into in supreme depth by Kuan Yin and all the Ascended Masters, bringing to all of you, our Beloved Readers, one of the most profound Correspondence Courses ever written and channeled! This is literally must reading for all beginning, intermediate and advanced disciples and initiates on the Spiritual Path regardless of what particular path you are on! For Kuan Yin has transcended the singular path of Buddhism to bring forth one of the most profound trainings to seekers and masters of all Religions, Spiritual Paths, Mystery Schools, Gurus, Spiritual teachers, and Spiritual Texts! Kuan Yin has done this in her usual graceful and gentle manner, and in her usual poetic and eloquent style! Truly a Correspondence Course and Training Program for the Ages!

Every person ordering this Correspondence Course will be overlighted by Kuan Yin and the Ascended Masters and will receive direct inner plane training while studying and applying the principles and tools of this Correspondence Course! 764 pages!