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Correspondence Course #1: Unsolicited Testimonials

How to Become an Enlightened Being, and Integrated Spiritual Master, and Achieve your 22 Levels of Initiation Correspondence Course!
Dear Dr Stone,

I received Correspondence Course #1 on becoming an Enlightened Being from the Academy and I AM IN AWE OF THE PROFOUNDNESS OF IT. IT IS SIMPLE, YET PROFOUND. I find myself at night wanting to READ, READ, READ. I want to say thank you to you personally. Your team made SURE I received it as soon as I asked. Within minutes after asking, I had the course in email form. QUITE A FAST MANIFESTATION. THANK YOU.

Greetings Dr Stone,

I’ve now finished the first course I read: "How to become an Integrated Master…" To use your words … it’s mind-blowing/boggling! It’s hard to describe it in words what it does with you when you’ve read a course (but the same goes for your books), and it will be different for each person. My level of consciousness boomed, and I notice changes inwardly & outwardly day by day! Even the people in my environment do notice it. And indeed, the way you feel does manifest itself in your dreams! The tools you give us to keep your head steady in the Light are so powerful! You really have the ability to reassure & stimulate the reader in the process, because -indeed- we have a long way to go … but it’s a growing process that each person has to go through on it’s own and we all do it step by step, each one at our own pace, but it’s a wonderful & challenging journey for all of us! Thank you very much Dr Stone!

Dear Dr Joshua,

Thank you, thank you for correspondence course number one¾I am really loving it and definitely seeing life in a very different way. I cannot stop reading the information it is truly incredible!!

Thank you once again!!!

Dear Dr Stone,

I felt the inner urge to email you and tell you that I’m grateful for your teachings, especially those about our formidable opponent, the negative ego, which most people do not like to talk about. In the past I could not fight the battle because I didn’t really know what I was fighting against, but now things are becoming clearer. I received your first correspondence course last fall and I have been putting the power tools to good use in my Grand Experiment. I look forward to buying your second correspondence course in the near future.

Dear Dr Joshua,

I have finished the Correspondence Course, HOW TO BECOME AN ENLIGHTENED BEING, AN INTEGRATED SPIRITUAL MASTER, AND ACHIEVE YOUR 22 LEVELS OF INITIATION and have begun the 22 LIGHTBODIES course. I am reminded of my favorite movie, CONTACT, which I watched on TV right before I took the course. When the main character, Ellie Arroway, is asked, ,Wanna take a ride?," she has no idea what a wild, life-changing, consciousness-changing ride she is about to take through the wormhole. I hope you’ve seen this movie. When Ellie is attached to the seat in the craft and being violently shaken by the vibrations, she notices that her little compass is floating peacefully in front of her, so she detaches herself from the chair to retrieve it, and then she too is floating and able to peacefully observe the cosmic vistas unfolding before her. I am practicing this lesson in my life now. I wonder if Carl Sagan knew what a beautiful message/lesson he was channeling when he wrote that novel.

If I were to tell you all that has transpired and all the changes I have gone through while studying this course, you would not have time to read it.

Let me just quote you from Lesson 106: Reading a great book or correspondence course can have a revolutionary impact on developing and refining your consciousness. This is a gift of immeasurable value. REVOLUTIONARY IMPACT—that says it all. I think you know what I’m talking about :)

Dear Dr Stone,

Greetings from Germany! I am enjoying every Divine page and developing with the correspondence courses (1 & 3, and soon 2)! Many experiences and manifestations are synchronizing! … Dr Joshua, thank you and your wonderful Team tremendously for making it possible to learn through the courses! I am really riding on a rocketship!

Dear Dr Joshua,

I just finished reading your first correspondence course and I must say what a wake up call! It reminded me that yes I may be clairvoyant and clairaudient but that doesn’t mean that I’ll do this on a full time level which I would like to do but maybe it is meant more the way it’s been work elsewhere full time and the channeling work on the side and to pay more attention to details and to not look at work as work but as a spiritual test on if I display the Christ consciousness or not and unconditional love and wisdom and this really does make sense, so I say thank you for your works. NAMASTE!!!

Dear Dr Stone,

At this point I have only made it through 1/4 of the lessons of Correspondence Course number one. However, it has helped me immensely.

Dear Dr Stone,

Thank you for the wonderful correspondence course, “How to Become an Enlightened Being, An Integrated Spiritual Master, and Achieve your 22 Levels of Initiation Correspondence Course!” I have completed the course recently and I want you to know that it has helped me SO SO MUCH… which has allowed me to help others, SO SO MUCH! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

It has helped me to upgrade my psyche to higher levels of awareness and understanding, acceptance and truth.

Your course has helped me to open my heart more, to allow me to radiate the core essence of who I am which is Love, freely and evenly, more gracefully than I ever dreamed possible.

I did take my time, which helped me to integrate the teachings and the lessons with ease and grace. I am definitely interested in completing another correspondence course in the near future!

Once Again, Thank You!