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A Full Spectrum Prism Array of Planetary World Service Meditations for the Earth!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

Planetary Axiatonal Alignment

As with all the following meditations, assume a comfortable position either sitting up or lying down, with your spine straight. Sitting up is preferable in these types of meditations, as you are generally more focused that way. Leaning against a wall if you are sitting on the floor, or upon the back of a chair is perfectly fine as long as the spine is held as straight as possible. Lying down is also all right, as long as you maintain your focus.

First request a personal axiatonal alignment so that you yourself are as balanced as possible. Then request a full axiatonal alignment for the Earth herself. Visualize the bodies of Earth on all the various levels, totally and completely aligned, with all energies of our planet as a whole fully aligned with Solar, Galactic, Universal, Multi-Universal and Cosmic Divine intent! Breathe slowly and relaxed, all the while holding the focus of a totally aligned, balanced and integrated Earth! Stay with this for as long as you feel comfortable, up to five minutes.

Platinum Net Sweep

Begin by asking for the Platinum Net to sweep over yourself and/or your group first, so that you can be cleared of your own misqualified energies. Then request that the same be done for the planet as a whole. Request this for the physical, etheric, astral and mental atmosphere of Earth. In this way each of the four lower bodies of Earth herself will receive one of the most potent cleansing, purifying, and healing tools being currently offered by the Cosmic Masters. You need not remain in meditation too long, just long enough to fully visualize a gigantic Platinum Net sweeping over the four bodies of the planet and cleansing these bodies of as much debris as possible. The more this is done, the healthier the planet will become.

Meditation for the Earth Mother

When seated comfortably in your meditation position, call first for the overlighting presence of your own Monad. Then from that place, invoke within all of the Masters who work with the physical, etheric, astral, and mental bodies of Earth herself. Call specifically upon Lord Buddha, our Planetary Logos. Allow these wonderful healing energies to pour through you and fill your entire being. When you feel fully infused with these Divine energies, anchor your own grounding cord deep into the Earth. Turn your palms upward on your lap, or even extend the arms upward for a time if you like. Ask that the healing currents of all the blessed Masters whose presence you have invoked flow through you and outward into the Earth.

First visualize and direct these energies into the very Core Heart of Mother Earth. Ask that there be a balancing and harmonizing within the very foundation of the planet itself. Pour forth love that all that needs healing may be healed, balanced, and cleansed through grace rather than karma. Then put your attention upon the Earth’s etheric body. Once again, ask all the Masters in attendance to help radiate through you their blessed healing energies. Do the same for the astral atmosphere and astral body of the Earth, that all negative emotions be brought to a quiet, peaceful, loving calm. Follow this with putting your attention upon the mental atmosphere or mental body of Earth. Send out only positive thoughtforms. Ask the Masters to again bless and heal through you, and to infuse the mental world with their Divine and glorious vision of positivity. Ask them to fill the mental atmosphere with their own thought outpicturing of the wondrous expression of the next millennium. Let all these blessings come to harmony within yourself. Continue to meditate for as long as you feel comfortable, knowing that you are acting as a focal point for healing Mother Earth.

Political Hot Spots Meditation and Visualization

There are very definite political “hot spots” around the planet. The Middle East is certainly a very key one at this time, and has been for a very long time. Bosnia is, of course, another. Russia is undergoing enormous stress, change, and transformation. In fact, these political hot spots are so pervasive that I leave it up to your discretion and personal attunement to select the ones that you personally key into. Once you have done this, invoke the Masters who you are most connected with on a personal level, as well as calling upon beloved Masters St. Germain and El Morya.

Ask to be fully surrounded and protected by your semi-permeable bubble of golden-white light, as well as the pure white light of the Christ. Then connect your Third Eye with your Heart Chakra. Then align all of your chakras while at the same time keeping special attention and focus upon the Third Eye and Heart. Hold the particular political hot spot that you have chosen within your mind’s eye, as well as within your heart. See all stresses and tensions melting away. Pray to the beloved Masters, Archangels, Angels and Elohim to help co-create and co-build a peaceful and harmonious situation. Prayer is most powerful in this specific world service meditation, as we are dealing with very delicate issues and really want to be sure to invoke and invite the help of the Masters. Call also upon the particular angel of the country that you are concentrating with. It is not necessary to know the name of the angel, just ask that the angel of that particular country and even geographical area come to offer their assistance by virtue of your invitation and prayer. Ask also for the assistance of the Arcturians and the Ashtar Command, and they too will assist as far as their Law of Non-Interference permits.

Hold to your positive meditation for as long as you like. When you conclude, do remember to thank the Masters for their help and remember also to hold to your positive imagery as you go about your day!

Social Issues Meditation and Visualization

Each meditation that is done in regard for world service should first be applied to self. Before beginning your meditation for social issues, for example, ask that any disharmony within your personal social life be brought into a harmonious condition. A simple prayer such as this, beloved readers, helps to integrate you within the service work that you are doing for the world. You need not spend much time in this, just long enough to make the request. As each of us are part of the world for which we are praying, it makes perfect sense to ask for help in order to correct personal imbalances in ourselves that we are asking for the planet. Doing this both activates and demonstrates our own integration with the world. As I will not specifically stress this point again, please do remember to include this basic format in each of your world service meditations.

Once this is done and you are comfortably in meditation position, pick out one of the social issues to which you feel closely attuned. Examples of these might be the following: the integration of the races, children in need of greater protection, starving children, all starving people around the globe, elevating the consciousness of society’s youths, the elimination of gang violence and the pervasive issue of homelessness. There are, of course, others that you might choose to focus upon, as there is no shortage in this department. Once again, call upon the Masters of your choosing. The Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis—the Mahatma, is an excellent being to call upon, as one of his prime functions is to integrate his high frequency energies into every level of existence. His power and presence is enormous, yet it filters down to the most basic level of life. Call him in, beloved readers, for he can serve through each of you who does so.

Fix your attention upon the particular social issue that you have selected as your world service meditation and begin to channel the Love, Light and Will-to-Good of GOD directly into the heart of that issue. See it transform within your inner vision from a situation of unfairness, disharmony, and discrimination, into a Love-infused Light-infused expression of GOD. Feel the healing Masters who work with these ideas pour their radiance through you. Feel the transformative and transmuting power of St. Germain as he graces the situation with the light/fire of his Violet Transmuting Flame. Feel the power of El Morya and Archangel Michael. Feel the immensity and enormity of the Mahatma, who through your willingness to serve, easily transmits his most glorious presence to the situation at hand, uplifting and transforming that all may come into the highest expression of GOD as possible, at any given time.

Stay within the healing and peace of your service meditation until you feel you are complete. Again, when you have concluded the meditation always give thanks to the Celestial Hierarchy who have helped you. Give thanks to your own Soul and Monad as well as to your self for entering into such a meditation. Remember to continue to hold a positive focus upon the issue you have prayed and meditated upon. If the news confronts you with negativity, if you even come face to face with the negativity that you are seeking to transmute, transform and heal, take note and then immediately shift gears to one of positive visualization, imagery and prayer. You are a healer in this regard, and just as does any good physician, you note the dis-ease but concentrate and devote all your energies upon the cure!

Child Abuse and Spousal Abuse Meditation and Visualization

Begin this meditation as you have been previously instructed. Ask for the proper protection and then ask that all abusive nature to self’ be transmuted. Surround yourself with a field of unconditional self-love. Then invoke your Masters, including beloved Mother Mary, Kuan Yin, and beloved Lord Maitreya.