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A Deeper Explanation of What the Return of the Goddess to Earth Really Means!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

My Beloved Readers, like the Christ, if truth be told, the Divine Mother and Goddess energies never left the Earth. Rather, the people of the earth left the Divine Mother and Goddess energies! The Divine Mother and Goddess energies have always been with us — we have just not always been with them!

So we do not live in a time where the Divine Mother and Goddess energies are returning, we are living in a time when our collective limited consciousness is reawakening to the true nature of its being!

Just as God is a Cosmic Androgynous Being made up of the Heavenly Father and Divine Mother! We are each made up of the Heavenly Father and Divine Mother as well! This could also be stated as we are made up of the Christ and the Holy Spirit, which are masculine and feminine in nature!

So in truth, in life there is a God path and Goddess path! It is interesting that people speak of the Goddess path, but people do not speak of the God path! That is because people think the God path is the only path, and they think it contains wholeness, which it does not in the way I am using the term here! God the Creator is made up of the God and Goddess path! Now the ideal is that each person, man or woman, should strive to integrate and blend both paths within themselves. To a lesser degree this has been called the path of the Occultist and Mystic, but does not do this mission full justice! Is it not interesting that we call God the Heavenly Father!? What happened to the Divine Mother? She has been booted out, not in truth, but in our collective limited lens consciousness! So half of God the Creator is missing! This is why there has been so much corruption in our world for so long! Why technology has been over emphasized! Why almost all spiritual books even call the Holy Spirit a he, and use patriarchal terminologies!

Why woman are not given full equal right and equal pay! Why Men perversely run their households! Even the Apostles of Jesus promoted this corruption! Why the earth has and is being abused! Why nature Spirits and nature kingdom is ignored! Spousal abuse, animal abuse, killing off of animal species, destroying rain forests, raping earth of resources! Hitler’s Nazi Germany and other tyrannies! Why men run governments and not woman! We could go on for days giving examples, but you get the point! The New Age has started to use the Term Father/Mother God, however, even most lightworkers don’t know who or what the Divine Mother really is! Most of the Ascended Masters we know are male! This is why in the I Am University we have established the Goddess Lodge, and idea from Beloved Mother Mary!

The Goddess energy is of course the Yin or Feminine Face of God! It is also the Material Face of God as well! To Realize God one must realize all Four Faces and most of the World disowns the Feminine and Material Face of God, so they are not really realizing God even though they think they are!

In truth men should not be on a God path and woman should not be singularly on a Goddess path. The ideal is for both men and woman to integrate them both! Now in the higher spiritual planes there is no Material Universe or Etheric nature so they do not focus on the Material Face of God as much as they did when they were incarnated on the Earth or a planet like it! This is also why Mother Earth or Lady Gaia has been so abused, dishonored and disgraced, by even lightworkers in the New Age Movement!

The Three Fold Flame itself is an embodiment of God, the Heavenly Father and Divine Mother! God is the Power, and Wisdom is the Heavenly Father and Love the Divine Mother!

Now here is an interesting thought the Divine Mother brought to me yesterday! In the last 2000 year Piscean Age Cycle, Pisces being a water sign was very focused on feelings! We were also under the sixth ray planetary influence, which is all water! We were all under the influence of the Atlantean Root Race, which was astral in nature! A great many souls from Atlantis were incarnated which was more water! Half the population being female is more water! So the interesting question the Divine Mother posed to me was, “why, if there was such a Water Influence during the last 2000 years, was the Divine Mother and Goddess energy utterly rejected? The reason being that as with all Rays and all Astrological signs, the God/Goddess path has a higher and lower aspect! Or a negative ego and Spiritual aspect! The negative ego was the supreme programmer of this 2000-year cycle! This explains why this Cycle 2000 years ago began with the killing of Master Jesus. Not a good sign to start this 2000-year cycle! They crucified Jesus, the Grand teacher for the Piscean Age on Earth, and for the next 2000 years they crucified the Divine Mother and Goddess energies!

Strangely enough, the New Aquarian Age is an Air sign and more mental, and this holds a greater opportunity to reintegrate the Divine Mother and Goddess energies properly, for the reign of victim consciousness instead of Master consciousness will be over! The reign of the negative ego mind rather than the Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/Mother Mary/Quan Yin/Isis, Divine Mother/God/Christ/Holy Spirit Mind will reign Supreme if the inner and outer earthly plane “I Am University” has anything to say about this! This was part of the reason for the creation of the “I Am University, by Spirit, the Masters and the Lodge of Lady Masters!” If there is one lesson I have learned in life above all else, stay on good terms with the Lady Masters and Goddess Lodge, for I am convinced they hold the true power of all creation! All Masters in the cosmic and Planetary Hierarchy know and understand this! LOL!

The Emotional body, when allowed to run the conscious mind becomes a blasphemy run by the negative ego. This is not the Goddess path but the path of Lucifer, just as when the mind is allowed to victimize the person, which also occurred in the Piscean Age! The Divine Mother and Goddess energies and Feminine Face of God, teaches us to Ground our energies and to sanctify and revere Mother Earth! It teaches and demonstrates to us not only how to mother and nurture others, but how to mother and nature self and the inner child!

So my Beloved Readers, as Lord Buddha said, strive for the “Middle Way!” The Middle way in this case is learning to realize God through the Masculine Face, the Feminine Face, the Material Face and the Heavenly or Spiritual Face! Strive to integrate, blend and harmonize the God path and the Goddess path! The Yin and Yang! The Feminine and Masculine! Heaven and Earth!

The Divine Mother and Goddess energies love and revere the Earth and earthly civilization! It is these energies that are closely connected with the Holy Spirit which is feminine in nature, which is interested not just in Ascending and going to Heaven, but is interested in creating Heaven on Earth and Revamping Earthly Civilization and turning it into the New Jerusalem, Seventh Golden age and a Christed, I Am Civilization! When we reject the Divine Mother and Goddess energies we reject on some level the Holy Spirit as well! The Last 2000 years was a lot of talk about God, and Christ, and less about the Holy Spirit. As a matter of fact, the Holy Spirit is missing from most of the World Religions, as is the Divine Mother for the most part! Catholicism embraces Mother Mary! Buddhism embraces Quan Yin! The Egyptian Mysteries embrace Isis! Yet, they have never been given the full equal status from a full spectrum prism consciousness perspective they deserve!

So it is the hope and prayer of the Divine Mother, Mother Mary, Quan Yin, Isis and the entire Goddess Lodge, and my humble self, that our words have given you a more balanced understanding of the true nature of God, as God the Creator sees it!

So let it be written! So let it be done! Amen!