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YOUR Opportunity to Change the World and Make it an I AM Place for the Entire Divine “Hu”-Man Race: Looking for Wealthy Benefactors who Sense the Purity and Profundity of the “I AM University” and Would be Willing to Financially Support it, so We May Expand the I AM Work Around the WORLD!

Our Beloved Friends,

We have humbly given our heart and soul and in truth all our money to manifest this service vehicle of the I AM University in Heaven and on Earth for Spirit and the Masters! From reading all the write-ups we know you can all sense and feel the profundity of what it is we are trying to do and how big and important this Spiritual Mission is.

Spirit, the Masters and we are humbly and with deep humility requesting that those that are touched by the words, information, message and the amount of information that is given away for free and how no one will be turned away for lack of funds, might consider the I AM University as a Source for their tithing, seed money and donations of a small, medium or large scale.

We are also looking for a few wealthy benefactors who see, sense and feel the profundity and importance of the message and work of the I AM University to consider helping the I AM University out in a financial sense. We do not put money first at the I AM University for if we did, we would not make such a bold statement that no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Money is certainly not our God; however, we do need some money to pay for employees and do all that we do. We have already invested all the personal money we have into the I AM University, for we have no life other than God, the Masters and the I AM University service work! We are not millionaires; however, and how much the I AM University can grow and expand is dependent on the generosity of those who are eating of its fruit!

So, if you feel so guided to tithe, donate and/or give seed money of which you will receive a ten-fold return, we at the I AM University would be eternally grateful! If there are some wealthy benefactors out there who get what we are trying to do and would be so inwardly guided to give a larger scale donation, that would take a lot of responsibility off our shoulders and would free up time to focus on the Spiritual Work it is ours to focus on. The I AM University like everyone else has to pay bills, employees, advertising and all the rest. The Clarion call for help in this regard now sounds forth for those that feel guided to help in this manner. We here at the I AM University give you our word before God and the Masters that all the money received will be used to expand the I AM University work around the world!

If you feel inspired to serve in such a noble way, please contact us at [email protected]! It is time to ascend this Planet, this Solar System, this Galaxy and this Universe! The generosity of Lightworkers and people around the world will determine the fate of the I AM University and how much we can expand!

Those with the eyes to see and the ears to hear will see and hear the truthfulness, sincerity and God purity of our words! If any of you feel so guided to help in any way, we here at the I AM University welcome and appreciate your support!


Love and Light, Joshua & Gloria

Please make checks out to “I AM University” in euro currency and/or contact us for banking information.