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How to Become Right with the Physical Body and How to Make it Beautiful!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

I have spoken a great deal about the importance of being right with self and right with God. I have also spoken about the importance of being right with inner things and right with outer things in service of God. One of the most important aspects to be right with after self and God is to be right with one’s physical body. This is a multifaceted issue.

The first aspect is the need to love your physical body. It needs love just as everyone emotionally needs love. I have also shared with you that the x-factor in healing is love. You can be the best healer in the world with the best technique in the world, but if you do not have love your healing will be ineffective. Can you imagine what happens to the physical body if you do not give it love? This is why a lot of people get sick. They may love God or the Masters or even themselves, but may not love their physical body. So the question is, Why is this? One of the reasons is, we live in a world steeped in mass third dimensional consciousness. This means it is a consciousness focused on appearances and glamour. Even the women in Playboy magazines are not even real for the pictures are touched up to make them more enticing. We are a culture that sees beauty as some kind of Twiggy model. In Renaissance times the “Rubin Woman” was the rage and a Playboy bunny would have been seen as ugly. Is not beauty in the eye of the beholder? We have seen so many magazines, movies, TV shows, advertising about what Madison Avenue considers to be beauty that we have all bought into it.

Now let me tell you the truth of beauty from God and the Masters’ perspective. Have you ever seen a beautiful woman who is stunning in terms of her outer shell or physical body but the second she opened her mouth and started talking she became unattractive real quickly? We know attractive people who are filled with anger, rage, frustration, jealousy, envy, upset, depression, sadness, and negative emotions. They do not look so attractive when this is going on.

We know other people who are very attractive yet are run by the negative ego and filled with selfishness, vanity, false pride, self-aggrandizement, power hungry, fame hungry, greedy, and they become unattractive very quickly!

Then in my first example even if the woman is extremely attractive if she is very ditzy and dingy she does not remain attractive very long.

Then there is the fact that attractive people do not stay attractive that long, for we have seen all the beautiful Hollywood people get old and then what do they have to stand on?

So God and the Masters’ understanding of beauty is more like everyone is a beautiful flower. Is it appropriate to compare one flower with another? The answer is no. Each flower, be it a rose, a daisy, a lily, is to be enjoyed for its own unique beauty.

I know I have had the experience early in my life of meeting different ladies who in the beginning when I first met them I was completely not attracted to them and then six months later or a year later when I got to know them they became unbelievably attractive to me and I was involved with them romantically. Did their beauty change? I don’t think so. What changed was my consciousness. Beauty is not just the physical body. Beauty is also what is emanating from the Spiritual body, mental body, emotional body, etheric body, energy body, chakras, and so on.

If a beautiful woman is totally frigid sexually in her consciousness do you think she is going to be attractive beyond first glance. Obviously not. We have all had relationships and had a honeymoon in the beginning and once you start living with the person they often become a nightmare, no matter how they look physically.

Remember you do not really see with your eyes, you see through your consciousness and your mind. That is why those women became attractive to me even though when I first met them they were not. I was tuning in to their other bodies, chakras, Soul, and Spirit. A less physically attractive person will become a million times more attractive than a physically attractive person who is not evolved or who has not worked on their consciousness!

Now here is an amazing insight. Do you all realize that as you learn to master and balance your chakras, and be of the Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness, and own the fact that you are an incarnation of God, balance your rays, and become a Self and God Realized Being you actually become physically more attractive? Your thoughts, feelings, Soul, Spirit, energy, actually changes the physical structure of the physical body. You take on the appearance of the Monadic Blueprint Body and you start to appear like a God or Goddess in the physical. So if you want to become more attractive physically then strive for Self and God Realization.

Adding to this, the subconscious mind runs the body so for example a woman can be given suggestions that her breasts grow and just by the power of suggestion to the subconscious mind this can take place. The same is true for hair in a man going bald. I very humbly tell you I have become much more handsome as I have evolved into my Self and God Realization! This happens with everyone on the path of Self and God Realization. Does not the Hermetic Law say, “As within, so without. As above, so below!” If you have a handsome consciousness or beautiful consciousness that will manifest in the physical structure. Your physical body will take on the image of your most beautiful and highest Godself on the inner plane! This is not even counting the fact that you can program yourself to physically change your structure. Then adding to this, if one eats a good diet, does physical fitness, this radiates out from the physical structure in a glowing manner, which makes your physical body even more attractive. Then if the person masters their mind and emotions in service of God and in service of the Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness in an integrated and balanced way this totally manifests in every cell and atom of the body, let alone the aura and chakras. Being sexually attractive is not in the appearance of the physical body, it is in the consciousness of the person and how they relate to that second chakra energy. Then if you embody Spirit/Christ/Buddha/God on Earth and realize this as an Integrated Spiritual Master can you imagine how attractive you will become. People will be attracted to you like a bee to honey!

This brings up another point about beauty that many people ask which is, What is Spirit and the Masters’ view about plastic surgery? Spirit and the Masters think plastic surgery is fine as long as it is done from the right motivation. The problem is many people do it for the wrong motivation. They are too attached to the physical and are not open to the Spiritual, which is not a reason to do it. Or they are trying to solve a psychological lesson like lack of self love with a physical cure which is also not appropriate. However, if you are doing it for the right reasons it might be totally appropriate not that they are pushing it for they are not. However, if it makes you feel better that is fine with God and the Masters!

That brings up the issue of weight. People have different types of bone structure. Some people are ectomorphs, some endomorphs, and I think there is one other type. What this means is some people are meant to carry more weight and some are meant to be very slender. This also depends on the ray structure of your physical body. Also, people’s glandular systems work differently. I can eat a ton of food and never gain weight. Where another person could eat one tenth of what I eat and gain a ton of weight. It is not the food, it is how the endocrine system is working. So it is not a requirement for those who wish to achieve Self and God Realization to lose weight. To carry too much weight for the wrong reasons can be detrimental to one’s health. So there are no hard and fast rules. If you weigh too much because you are just eating too much junk food or eating for the wrong reasons then this is something you should stop. However, if it is not a lesson you need to learn then being overweight is perfectly fine. It is a matter of personal preference and choice. Many psychics often weigh more because of the Spiritual work they do. So it is very important not to be judgmental of self or others on this point. All that matters is that each person is the Eternal Self/Christ/Buddha/God and should be seen and treated that way, period!

So the key concept here is that beauty is not really in the physical body. At most it is one tenth of what beauty really is. Beauty really is a person’s state of consciousness and a person’s state of Self and God Realization. When a person is at a high state of initiation, Light Body anchoring and activation, chakra anchoring and activation, and a high level of refinement of their consciousness, they are radiating God’s energy and light. A person at the 22nd level of initiation and Light Body is radiating enough energy and light to match three quarters of the people on the globe all together. They are like a thousand watt light bulb. You ever have sex with a thousand watt light bulb? You ever have orgasms in all seven charkas?

The greatest barometer of beauty is the love the person emanates themselves and from God. A person who has achieved a high degree of Self and God Realization is filled with so much love and light, they are like a Christmas tree. Their energy and charisma in service of God will knock your socks off. The only thing more intoxicating than a beautiful woman or man is the woman or man embodying Spirit/Christ/Buddha/God and the Eternal Self on all seven levels!