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Specialized Externalization Sessions for 8 Inner Plane Programs

One of the characteristics which makes the I AM University a unique and special training facility, and the one and only “Integrated Full Spectrum Prism Synthesis Ascended Master Training Facility for the Aquarian Age” is that it focuses on the threefold development of the initiate’s Spirituality, consciousness/psychology, and physical/Earthly realization and mission grounding. Everyone who officially enrolls in the outer/Earthly plane I AM University is automatically enrolled in the inner plane I AM University and with their enrollment makes an official statement of commitment in front of self and all the Spiritual Hosts overlighting the inner and outer I AM University to focus their consciousness on Planetary Self and God Realization in an integrated and balanced manner!

Spirit and the Masters answer the initiate’s sublime commitment with a multitude of Spiritual gifts and blessings, one of which is the initiate’s participation in the eight Official I AM University Inner Plane Training Programs which have been specially designed and sponsored by Spirit and the Ascended Masters to help every sincere and consistent seeker mold their consciousness into that of an Integrated Ascended Master!

Now as part of the externalization and planetary realization process of the I AM University, we are pleased to externalize this inner plane Spiritual service onto the outer/Earthly plane through this newly offered series of specialized “externalization sessions” to help enrolled students gain a greater conscious awareness of their participation in these inner plane training projects.

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