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Holy Space of Mary, the Archangel of the Fifth Ray

Greetings, dear brothers and sisters of the light!

I am Mary, also now known as Sister Mary. In this sharing, I am going to speak with you about the Fifth Ray. You could say that I am the Archangel in charge of this ray together with Raphael in this planetary system. It is my wish to share the understanding of this ray energy from a lighter perspective, for many especially Lightworkers have perceived the Fifth Ray to be incomprehensible or a little too heavy.

The Fifth Ray expression of God is the energy of concrete science, healing and methodology. In this planetary system, the Fifth Ray serves to disseminate spiritual science and mathematics on all levels. Concrete science of the higher mind when understood in a Christed manner, is filled with the intelligence of the Mind of God as well as clear blueprints of the creative process. The creative process is of both a thinking and feeling nature, as such the roles of angels and archangels is to magnetize and radiate this energy to the kingdoms on this planet. All that you observe around you in God’s creation is served by the Fifth Ray in this fashion.

If you were to understand the Fifth Ray energy in a simplistic manner, you could see it to be a clear, precise and an energy with a cutting edge. A good and simple analogy would be “Time” as you know it on this planet, it is precise, accurate and works like clockwork, pardon the pun! Can you now feel and understand how the Fifth Ray energy works?

Because of its precision and expression of methods, the Fifth Ray carries with it, vast potentials of healing energy. That which is in accordance with the methods of God’s light and love will heal! Thus the Fifth Ray is also a healing ray.

Should one request for healing from the Angels of the Healing Arts, one is in truth asking for the radiation of the divine blueprint of one’s perfect blueprint body to be impressed and superimposed upon one’s current blueprint. The angels will then go about working on your body like you are undergoing a grafting of sorts, only it is more like a superimpose process. As your current blueprint integrates with the new blueprint, the cells and energy within your body will be re-educated to understand and work with the new blueprint! For this reason, it is important that you co-create in the healing process by nourishing your physical, etheric, emotional and mental bodies well. In so doing, you are assisting in the integration process.

We are so honored to be able to work with this ray energy for the wonders of God’s creation opens new levels of understanding in infinite ways!

Dearly beloved friends, call on us often in your healing process for it is our pleasure to serve you in this manner.

Call on us too, if you require assistance to expand your mind in learning and understanding science, mathematics and the intricate workings of healing energies.

I am Archangel Mary,

Your humble servant.