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Holy Space of Madam Blavatsky

Greetings! Welcome to this part of the Goddess Lodge, I am very pleased to be part of this. Never was it known to the world that the Goddess Lodge would make such an appearance.

This is great news for the planet and for all people, for this will mark a turning point where the God/Goddess energies will finally come into balance. This is good news, good news indeed!

I am Lady Helena, many of you know me as Madam Blavatsky. I rejoice with all masters and initiates on the anchoring of the I AM University on earth, this is truly exciting times on earth.

Many of us here in the inner planes are watching closely to everything that is currently on the planet, for never has this been done in the history of the earth. Much awakening, much knowledge that is being poured forth, much is being shared for the betterment of humanity and the kingdoms.

I come to you today with my heart open to share with you these times of greatness, the time has come. In my life as Madam Blavatsky the learning and earning of initiations have been so different, we see that you now are taking on initiations of never before proportions! However, one thing remains the same, all of your tests and challenges are in truth, to touch the core of your being, to help you to return to the balanced being that you are – the return of the balanced God/Goddess energies, the return of divine love, divine power and divine wisdom, the rememberance of your gifts from God and the masters.

Step forward dear friends, to claim your mastery and in so doing you are merely giving up the little bits of self, the little wills of the ego. The gifts that await you are beyond what you know and beyond your comprehension until you’ve given up your little ego.

My message to you this day is simply to encourage you to take the challenges of life with your head up high and charge it with the love of the masters and God. Only then will you see so clearly what we see for we see that you’re entering exciting times. Know that the entrance into these new times is only by choice, your choice!

With the Light of my Heart,

Lady Helena